Yesterday was the Audubon Society’s Women in Conservation Luncheon at The Plaza Hotel, honoring distinguished women with the Rachel Carson Award for their dedication to advancing conservation and environmental education locally and on a global scale. The Audubon Society established this award in 2004 and it was named for Rachel Carson, whose landmark book Silent Spring opened the world’s eyes to the damage caused by the use of pesticides.

This year’s Rachel Carson Award honorees include (from left to right) Elizabeth Putnam (President/Founder of Student Conservation Association), Sally Jewell (CEO, Recreational Equipment), Dr. Sylvia Earle (National Geographic), Jane Evans, Susan Haspel and Elizabeth Colleton (all NBC Universal’s “Green is Universal” initiative). Anne Thompson, NBC News’
Chief Environmental Affairs correspondent, served as the emcee for the luncheon.
Thanks to this wonderful luncheon we learned some very interesting things about energy efficiency such as:
- Removing unnecessary items from your car can improve fuel economy. An extra 100 pounds in your trunk can reduce your MPG by 3%.
- Unplugging TV's, stereos, microwaves and computers saves money and energy.
- Washing your clothes in cold water instead of hot can save 220 kwh of power and avoid 500 lbs of carbon emissions based on doing just two loads a week.
- Turning out the light each time you leave a room can save 5-10% of your light energy use.
Now in its second century, the National Audubon Society is dedicated to protecting the birds and other wildlife and the habitat that supports them. Audubon’s national network of community-based nature centers and chapters, scientific and educational programs and advocacy on behalf of areas sustaining important bird populations, engage millions of people of all ages and backgrounds in conservation. For more information please visit their website at http://www.audubon.org.