The event will showcase a variety of special interest consumer and business areas including: Home Building and Energy Conservation; Health, Beauty and Fashion; Travel and Transportation; Business and Electronics and a Kids Zone, giving New Yorkers a chance to see, learn and interact with the latest in energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly products and services, as well as participate in interactive seminars with leaders in the green industry, local politicians and community organizations.
I am most looking forward to seeing Alberto Parada's organic jewelry line, J.R. Watkins organic personal care products, Kaia House skincare, Sexy Hair, and House of Mongrel kids clothing.
Don't forget to check out these exciting seminars:
* Mariel Hemingway will be discussing "How to Green Yourself" through living a healthy life style - eating well, slowing down, and creating sacred space on Saturday, April18th. She will also talk about her new book "Mariel Hemingway's Healthy Living from the Inside Out," which is a revolutionary individualized program that teaches us how looking and feeling great are just a few simple choices away.
*Famed photographer and director, Nigel Barker discusses "Saving the Seals." Join Nigel as he screens his documentary, “A Sealed Fate" on Saturday, April 18, 3:30pm with Q&A to follow.
Please visit http://www.gogreenexpo.com for further details such as hotel location, hours, purchasing tickets, etc.