Spa Week is a wonderful event and it just ended here in New York City!! The best part about Spa Week is the Spa Week Media Party, which they host a week before the event. I always have a fantastic time and the vendors that showcase are great! Probably the best part about the event is the huge swag bag they give at the end filled with products!!
This past Spa Week Party held in April had one of the worst vendors I've ever met in my life, Ingrid Millet, a luxury skincare line from France. Every vendor at the event took time to talk with me about their product, gave me press kit, samples if they had any, etc.., but not Ingrid Millet. They couldn't be bothered taking five minutes to talk to Shari and I about their brand. They ignored us and would not give us their little giftbag. Why? Most likely because we're bloggers and they felt we were not important enough.
Well, my response is that they better get a handle on the new media outlets!! Print newspapers and magazines are going under faster than the Titanic. Websites and blogs are the media of the future. Companies have to start realizing that people are spending more time on the web reading their news and getting information.!!!!
Saturday, April 18, 2009